Research visits
Stella Brassesco is visiting the CIMFAV from 24th of april to the 10th of may 2023.
Sandro Vaienti is visiting the CIMFAV from 24th of april to the 3rd of may 2023.
Alfredo Calderón is visiting the CIMFAV from the 24th to the 28th of april 2023.
Pierre Guiraud and Arnaud Meyroneinc is visiting Arnaldo Nogueira at the I2M from the 5th to the 24th of july 2023.
Arnaldo Nogueira is visting the CIMFAV from the 09th to the 20th of octobre 2023.
1st TOMCAT Workshop hosted by the Universidad de Valparaíso, from 24th to 28th of april 2023.